Sunday, May 30, 2010

Looney Tunes, Hannah Montana and Crazy Buttocks

Another week, another bunch of blogs. What have I been doing this week? In addition to eating and sleeping, this:

Wow, eh?

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    Sunday, May 23, 2010

    Canada and other Countries

    So my second attempt at a weekly run-down. There's 12 entries here for this week, which surprises me, because I didn't think I did all that much this week. In any case, there's no overriding theme, except that three of them are about Canada. So what have I been up to this week? This:
    Hm. That was a lot. Yay me.

    Sunday, May 16, 2010

    A Musical Week

    So I've been thinking... since I have all kinds of stray blogs that are updated semi-regularly (in some cases, rather less frequently), I need some kind of central point: a meeting point from which all of my blogs can be accessed. So I opened one here using my own nom de plume, and what I'm going to do is this: about once a week, I'm going to update this blog with links to whatever I happen to have posted over the preceding seven days. I'm sure there's some way, with RSS and whatever, to do that automatically. But I have the tech savvy of an eighty-year-old Amazon forest native. So here we go instead...

    Recent stuff I've done:

    And there you go... seven days in the life of Bungle Jerry, Esq.